home This website has been produces with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document
are the sole responsibility of Multi-profile hospital for active treatment “St. Petka” AD, Vidin and can under no
circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union
Activity: Execution of construction-repair works for the building up of a sector for acute mental disorders within the psychiatric department of MPHAT “St. Petka” ASD, Vidin.

  Reconstruction and repair of department for acute mental disorders including:

преди и след ремонта/before and after repair

  • 2 Nos. rooms with 2 Nos. beds (women’s and men’s);
  • Isolation room;
  • Urgent consulting office;
  • Manipulation hall;
  • Sisters’ room;
  • Hospital officers’ room
  • Bath and toilets;
  • Toilets for the personnel;
  • Office

Activity: Purchasing and furnishing the newly established sector for acute mental disorders within the psychiatric department of MPHAT “St. Petka” ASD, Vidin in accordance to the medical standard “Psychiatry”.
Activity: Organization and carrying out of training in mental-social rehabilitation with cares of people with mental disorders

  Training will be held by lectures from “Yordanka Filaretova” Medical College within Medical University – Sofia.


  • Training 1
  • Training in mental-social rehabilitation and hospital cares for people with mental disorders of medical staff of the department for treatment of mental diseases.
  • Training 2
  • Training in mental-social rehabilitation and hospital cares for people with mental disorders intended for patients’ relatives
Activity: Elaboration and distribution of informational and advertisement materials

  The activity is focused on heightening the public awareness on the matters of the socially-significant mental diseases and a struggle with psychiatric stigma and discrimination of people with mental problems. Materials informing the population of Vidin district will be prepared, regarding:
  • Opportunities and programmes for treatment in the department for acute mental disorders within MPHAT “St. Petka” ASD, Vidin;
  • Distinguishing of the early signals /marks of crisis for overcoming of relapse/aggravation/ of mental disorder;
  • Long-term treatment with psychotropic medications: side effects, overdosage and managing with the subsequences from these;
  • Social skills training;
  • Providing for information for the project objectives, activities and their realization as well as financial sources
Activity: Network cooperation establishment

Making contacts between the representatives of institutions and organizations having opinion on mental diseases treatment in the Northwestern planning region (Vidin, Montana and Vratza districts). 4 Nos. round tables will be organized (participants – 40 Nos. people, 10 Nos. form Montana district, 10 nos. form Vratza district and 20 nos. from Vidin district) where matters related to rehabilitation of people with mental disorders will be discussed. Medical staff of psychiatric departments of multi-profile hospitals from Montana and Vratza will be invited, as well as representatives of Regiona center for healthcare, Police directorate, District court, Public prosecutor office and others
Activity: Organization of press-conferences

press conference/кръгли маси

With the commencement of activities a press-conference will be organized where the project team and the managing body of MPHAT “St. Petka” AD, Vidin will get acquainted the general public with the objectives, activities and expected results from the project
Activity: Creation of a web site of MPHAT “St. Petka” AD, Vidin

A web site of MPHAT “St. Petka” AD, Vidin will be created, where will be presented all the departments functioning in the medical institution, the services they offer as well as detailed information about the newly established “Department for acute mental disorders” service. The web site will be developed in Bulgarian and English in accordance to the EU requirement for visual identification with external actions



MPHAT "St. Petka" - Vidin. ©2007-2008 All rights reserved
Last updated: 20.01.2025 .