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Project: Establishment and functioning of “Department for acute mental disorders“
service within Multi-profile Hospital for active treatment “St. Petka” AD, town Vidin
Budget line: BG 2004/016-711.01.02
Component 3 Provision of community based mental health services

short description

Overall objective:
  • Improvement the status of health care in Vidin district in conformity with the national and European standards;
  • Reforming of the system for mental-health cares and improvement of services for people with mental diseases in Vidin district.

Specific objectives:

  • To get discontinued the practice for isolation of people with acute mental disorders in remote institutions / Karlukovo State Psychiatric Hospital and in Regional Psychiatric dispensary for psychic diseases in Vratza/, through introduction of new service in MPHAT “St. Petka” AD, Vidin – “department of acute mental disorders”;
  • To get improved the necessary equipment of the department and provide for timeliness, accessibility, adequacy, and humanity of the acute mental diseases treatment in Vidin district;
  • To get improved the access and care quality for patients with mental diseases in MPHAT “St. Petka” AD, Vidin; to be improved the life standard of these patients;
  • To get enlarged the capacity of human resources in Psychiatric department in the hospital
  • To get increased the public awareness on the matters of socio-significant for the district diseases and the contemporary methods for the treatment of these.

   Introducing of values of civil society in the psychiatric practice’ language and the culture of services is a priority of the health policy of Republic of Bulgaria. This means that the efforts follow to be focused over the structural, administration and management changes as well as in the training of personnel for working in new organizational conditions and new professional roles. People suffering from acute mental disorders are great social-health problem and the improvement and prevention of the injury is the basic priority. Mental health is fundamental human right.

   Current project is focused on establishment and functioning of “Department of acute mental disorders” service within MPHAT “St. Petka” AD, Vidin. The treatment of acute mental disorders is a stage of long-term treatment of psychic disease and is meant to decrease the current and future influence of this disease over human life, to increase his life standard, the life of his family and relatives. By the moment such kind of treatment is not executing on the territory of District Vidin which impose the patients to get transported for treatment in Karlukovo State Psychiatric Hospital and in Regional dispensary for psychic diseases in Vratza. This is pursued with a series of obstacles for the patients themselves and their families, as well as for the medical institution.

   Having in mind the above stated it is foreseen that the department to get constructed on the first floor in the building where currently is located the Psychiatric department of the hospital. It is foreseen to be executed construction-repair works and for equipment to be purchased, for the purpose of being established the necessary space structure and safety in conformity with the medical standard of psychiatry requirements. Courses for qualification heightening and providing for methodological aid will be organized for the department personnel (doctors and auxiliary staff) and the families of the people with acute mental disorders. Promoting and informational materials will be also prepared and distributed with the help of these the awareness of the public on the matters of socio-significant mental diseases will be heightened.

   A web site of MPHAT “St. Petka” AD, Vidin will be created where the departments functioning in the medical institution will be presented, as well as the services they offer and detailed information about the newly established “Department for acute mental disorders” service. Web site will be created with observing the EU requirements for visual identification at external actions. Project realization will create opportunities for quality life improvement of the patients with mental diseases from Vidin district and will provide for timeliness, accessibility, adequacy, and humanity of the acute mental diseases treatment.


Target group includes:

  • People with acute mental disorders;
  • Applying organization;
  • The personnel of Psychiatric department of MPHAT “St. Petka” AD, Vidin;
  • Families of the people with acute mental disorders – 30 Nos. people;

Direct beneficiaries

  • 20 Nos. people with psychiatric disorders – improvement the quality and cares and heightening the opportunities for re-socialization of patients;
  • Applying organization – which will heighten its administrative and managing capacity through its participation in the current project preparation and its subsequent implementation;
  • Personnel of Psychiatric department within MPHAT “St. Petka” AD – improvement of work conditions and gaining of new knowledge and skills- 20 nos. people;
  • Families and relatives of the people with acute mental disorders – 30 Nos. people;
  • Representatives of Institutions and organizations having opinion on the problems of mental diseases treatment – 40 Nos. people

Indirect beneficiaries

  • Vidin municipality – improvement of the quality of serving the people with acute psychiatric disorders;
  • Vidin district - improvement of the quality of serving the people with acute psychiatric disorders;
  • Families of the people with acute psychiatric disorders – keeping of relation of the patients with their relatives and decreasing the treatment costs;
  • Institutions assisting the activity of Psychiatric department – Regional directorate “Police”, First aid center, District court and others.



MPHAT "St. Petka" - Vidin. ©2007-2008 All rights reserved
Last updated: 20.01.2025 .